8 Considerations for Food and Beverage Facility Painting

The benefits of painting a food and beverage facility go beyond aesthetics, although that’s also a key perk. In addition to enhancing brand image, properly painting these facilities protects surfaces, promotes hygiene, and manages safety issues. 

In the sections below, we’ll run through those topics and eight key considerations for food and beverage facility painting.  

1. Compliance With Regulations

Peeling paint, rust, and cracked floors can be a problem for the hygiene and safety of food and beverage facilities. If these issues are bad enough, they can result in write-ups, fines, shutdowns, and even food contamination and recalls. 

That’s why it’s extremely important for food and beverage facilities to regularly inspect and maintain their commercial space and equipment with proper, safe, and long-lasting solutions. 

Paint in food and beverage facilities must be FDA and USDA-approved. It must also withstand the demands of this environment, which often include frequent cleaning, sanitization, and heat exposure. 

2. Enhancing Brand Image 

As covered in the section above, the safety of the food and beverage products, employees, and the facility are at the forefront of the conversation. However, addressing these issues with regular painting using the right materials will also heighten your brand image. 

A clean and safe environment reflects well on the company by providing a well-maintained operation. This is beneficial for clients, customers, and even overall employee morale. 

A sharp and well-maintained facility can provide lasting benefits regarding reputation, customer perception, brand loyalty, and more. While painting your food and beverage facility is necessary for safety, operations, and regulations – it has benefits that stretch well beyond that.  

3. Hygiene Maintenance 

Food and beverage facilities are especially susceptible to mold and mildew buildup because of the nature of their business. This is where the right type of long-lasting and durable coatings come into play to prevent this hygiene issue and keep operations on track without a hitch. 

This can include the walls, floors, and even the equipment found in food and beverage facilities. For this reason, it’s important to find a contractor that provides commercial flooring and industrial painting services – like McLean Company – to make sure your bases are covered. 

4. Regularly Inspect Surfaces 

Food and beverage facilities must regularly inspect surfaces and equipment for health and safety-related issues. As mentioned, this can be anything from minor paint peeling to more obvious problems like mold and mildew. 

Either way, it’s best to address these items before they become major issues with regular maintenance, cleaning, and painting ahead of the red flags. 

5. Surface Preparation Before Painting

This can be tricky in food and beverage facilities, as dirt and grease buildup can be present, requiring special cleaning products to clean the surface completely before painting. 

If this doesn’t happen, the paint won’t last as long as it should, and you could experience peeling and chipping much earlier than expected. 

The same goes for flooring; you will need a uniform and smooth surface to apply the protective coating. If the flooring has extensive cracks and damage, this may require concrete restoration

6. Choosing the Right Paint for Food and Beverage Facilities 

The paint should be FDA and USDA-approved for use in food and beverage facilities. At the same time, you’ll want to choose durable materials that can endure the demands of a food and beverage facility. 

Durable paints require less maintenance over time with fewer touch-ups and reapplication over time. This can save you in the long run while not having the need for frequent commercial painting with less disruption to your operations. 

7. Minimizing Downtime 

Most of the time, you can schedule the painting for a time that is not during peak hours. However, there are also instances when you are going to get some overlap. 

The biggest thing is coordinating with important shipping and receiving timetables to make sure there is no disruption in that flow. You’ll also need to potentially manage the traffic on-site while painting, which is a scheduling task. 

8. Waste Management & Cleanup 

Proper cleaning up is crucial in every paint job, but it’s especially important for food and beverage facilities, where cleanliness is of the utmost importance, and regulations must also be considered. 

This is where it makes sense to hire professional painting contractors with experience in the food and beverage industry, like McLean Company. They can choose the best painting materials for your situation, appeal to all regulatory requirements, paint with minimal disruption to your daily operations, and provide efficient cleanup. 

Hiring Professionals for Food and Beverage Facility Painting 

As you can see, there is no shortage of things to consider when painting for a food and beverage facility. Because of this, it makes sense to reach out to professional painters to ensure the job is done properly and efficiently. 

If your food and beverage facility is located in Boston, MA, or the greater New England area, contact McLean Company—the best food and beverage facility painters in the region. 

McLean Company has been providing commercial painting and flooring services to warehouses, factories, retail stores, showrooms, and many other facilities for decades. Here are some of our previous projects and satisfied customer testimonials


Call our expert team at (978) 774-4330 or get a free quote by filling out our online form. 


Let McLean Company save you the headache of contractor coordination while providing professional planning and execution with minimal disruption to your daily operations.