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Do Concrete Floors Need To Be Sealed?

Cleaner cleans hard floor with scrubber machine while other cleaner cleans in the background

Have you ever wondered why concrete floors need to be sealed? This seemingly trivial step is often overlooked but can make a significant difference in the durability and appearance of your surfaces.

Sealing your concrete floors adds an extra layer of protection against daily wear and tear, spills, and stains. However, the question remains: How does it work precisely? What are the potential consequences of skipping this step? Let’s investigate the details and discover why it is essential to seal your concrete floors.


Why Do Concrete Floors Need To Be Sealed?

Concrete floors need to be sealed for several reasons, each contributing to the longevity and aesthetic appeal of the surface. Here are some of the most critical reasons, which we will discuss in detail:

How Does Concrete Floor Sealing Work?

Concrete floor sealing is a relatively simple process that involves applying a protective coating over the surface. The sealant typically combines polymers and resins, creating a sturdy barrier on the concrete. Applying a sealant reveals the true beauty of a concrete floor as it enriches the color and adds a glossy finish.

The sealant penetrates deep into the pores and gaps of the concrete, filling them up and creating a solid layer that prevents liquids and other substances from seeping in. This process makes the concrete more resistant to damage and enhances its appearance.

Certain floor sealers create a protective layer on the concrete surface, while others penetrate the floor. The latter type is often preferred for areas with heavy foot traffic since it does not wear off as quickly.


The Consequences of Not Sealing Your Concrete Floors

Skipping the step of sealing your concrete floors may seem harmless, but it can have significant consequences. These are some potential issues that can arise from not sealing your concrete floors:

Things To Consider Before Sealing Concrete

Before diving into the process of sealing your concrete floors, there are key considerations that can impact the success and effectiveness of this protective measure. Here are a few things to keep in mind:


Let Us Take Care of Your Concrete Floors

Concrete floors need to be sealed to preserve their integrity, enhance their appearance, and extend their lifespan. It guards against stains, discoloration, chemical damage, and cracks. Neglecting to seal concrete floors can have serious consequences, such as moisture damage that compromises the surface’s structural integrity.

McLean Company is here to help seal your concrete floors, ensuring they remain durable and visually stunning for years. We are experts in our field and guarantee top-quality results regarding commercial and industrial flooring and painting. Contact us today to learn more about our concrete sealing services and how we can help protect your investment.

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