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Restaurant Colors: How to Paint for Ambiance and Customer Loyalty



Restaurant owners need great food and a relaxing atmosphere for their diners. Certain colors can change the mood of the room. If you used bold and bright colors, it could give a little more energy. Those muted hues provide a more natural setting for a meal. If you want to paint to boost the ambiance and retain your customers’ loyalty, keep reading on for more details. 

Ambiance Matters for Your Restaurant Colors

The ambiance of your room is a vital part of your restaurant’s success. People want to eat and spend time in places that have a great atmosphere. WIth the right colors, diners will enjoy your meal with friends and family, and then tell others about their great experiences. In many cases, you can even make them a return visitor with the right color scheme

Here are some colors that you should think about using in your business, and how you could incorporate them in your restaurant. 

Blues and Purples

These cool colors are known to decrease appetite, and that’s not what you want for your restaurant. In nature, there are not many purple and blue foods. For that reason, these colors do not cause hunger in restaurant patrons. Blue is a color that is associated with relaxation. You will commonly find it used in coffee shops or spas. 

Since purples and blues can suppress the appetite, you might find these colors in the gym. If you love the color of blue and purple, you might want to restrain from adding them to your restaurant. 


Red is a rich color that you will typically see in fine-dining establishments, especially paired with wood hues. However, too much red can cause irritation in your patrons. If you want to create an intimate dining experience, use a deep, rich red for those larger spaces. You don’t have to say goodbye to those reds. They can be used for an accent wall to add some vibrancy to your diner.


If you are looking to cheer up your dining room, then take a look at some yellows or oranges. These colors make the perfect color to add to a yogurt shop, cafe, or other type of fun eatery. There is no one shade of orange. You should think about using pumpkin or squash in your establishment.  

Neutral Colors

If you want a few excellent colors for your restaurant’s decor, think about black, beige, gray, white, and brown. These colors are all considered neutral and natural. They are the perfect background colors to create a cozy atmosphere. Dark browns and blacks are ideal as an accent piece. Plus, they are associated with uniformity and cleanness. 

If you pair them with a bright accent shade, they will look stunning. White is a great background that works well with those pops of bright primary colors. Gray, brown, and beige add to the atmosphere and allow your food to be the star of the show.


Green is another relaxing color, and it is even known to improve people’s vision. Since it is a color associated with nature, diners will feel more relaxed and comfortable in those rooms painted in green. If you want a great color for ambiance, you cannot go wrong by adding some green to your walls. 

Textures and Elements

Along with restaurant color schemes, you could add some texture to your dining room’s decor. With that, you can create a welcoming ambiance for all of your diners. Soft gray walls will look stunning with dark wood tables and chairs, or you can try adding earthy browns to the decor along with copper or other types of metals. 

If you really want your dining room to stand out, then think about adding some elements like fire and water. Many restaurants will add a fish tank or gas fireplace to the decor. With some natural colors, your restaurant will have a distinct feel that will entice those diners. 

Restaurant colors are a very important part of your business. If you have the wrong colors, then that could scare away your diners, but a perfect color combination will keep them coming back for years to come. Before a commercial painting contractor handles your next job, make sure you choose the best color for your restaurant. 



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